Thursday, October 23, 2008

A Little More From Hahatown

The Gordon Lightfoot concert was a lot of fun. Most everyone there was around my age, so I felt in good company. I'd forgotten how much I enjoyed his music. The walk back to the boat was about a mile. As I hurried along (it was dark after all) I discovered something quite unexpected. Several of the trees that grow along the sidewalk have huge amounts of bird droppings on the ground below. So, making sure I wasn't standing right where the droppings fall (I'm not an idiot) I began looking up into those trees. And guess what was up there. Now, I know you're thinking, "Well, duh, Patty...a bird!" But not just a bird. Herons. At first I thought they were owls, but upon closer inspection, I could tell they were just tucked all up and sleeping. We first noticed that herons and egrets even went into trees when we were in Bodega Bay. Up until then I had only seen them standing in water or in flight. I guess I never gave much thought to where else they might spend their nights. Just a bit of heron trivia for you:)

We visited Sea World last Saturday and I must say, those dolphins and killer whales are worth seeing! They were spectacular! I'm sure that every kid who sees those shows wants to grow up to be a dolphin or killer whale trainer. Very inspiring!

Isn't it funny how a noise can trigger a memory? Each evening, when things quiet down on the boat, we can hear these little clicking sounds and I panic, for reasons which I'll explain in a minute. Chris said the noise is tiny crabs which like nothing better than to amuse themselves by eating the gunk on the bottom of the boat. I pictured them like the little one inch crabs that we used to find under rocks on the Puget Sound beaches. I wondered if they could climb up the boat hull and enter through the portholes. But mostly what they made me think of is rain on the tent. Which is why I panic when I hear them. I guess it's from so many camping trips in the northwest which inevitably are spoiled by rain. I say spoiled, but my dad's answer to rain on the tent was just bring out another plastic tarp so we could tough it out! Plus, make a note to himslef to get more plastic for next year. We're surrounded by sunshine, but I wonder how long it will take me to shake the fear of rain!

1 comment:

B and J said...

Hi Patty,
Enjoyed reading your blog. I am presently sitting here in Marina Del Ray listening to the little clicking noises that, I was sure, meant that something was eating its way through the hull. !
We are on our way to Catalina tomorrow and will then spend some time in San Diego. See you somewhere, sometime!
Barb on Naida